LoveLight Lift
Energy Healing and
Soul Frequency Attunements

Energy Healing via the LoveLight Lift modality connects us to the unique energetic pattern of a being - person or animal. Through this connection, the root cause of imbalances and dis-ease at all levels of body, mind, and spirit can be identified. Blockages and lower vibrational energy patterns can be released, cleared, adjusted, balanced and transmuted. In doing so, our Soul Frequency becomes attuned and we are liberated to experience positive shifts in all aspects of our lives.
Being in tune with and
balanced in your whole
energy body (auric field,
chakras, nadis, and
meridians) is essential for
improving and
maintaining your overall
health and wellbeing.
As a Facilitator, I hold
High-Frequency Energies
that enable the expansion
of Light; allowing
people to Shift. My
service originates
from an Open Heart with
compassion, unconditional love and connection with the Holy Spirit. Although I Am a Reiki Master Teacher, I have the Awareness that Reiki simply opened the Flow to Allow me to become a Clearer Conduit of the God Most High's Radiant LoveLight.
When Guided by the Divine, many layers can be addressed at the same time. By using a holistic approach to work with the whole being and their life issues, we are able to clearly see the context of an issue and its impact on their overall well-being. Sometimes that involves taking time to look past the manifested symptoms to get to the heart of where the imbalance is rooted so it can be adjusted back to the natural state of homeostasis - the Restoration of our Divine Blueprint.
Who Benefits From This Kind of Energy Work?
Literally everyone! This is a simple, natural and safe method of healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness - from colds, the flu, headaches, and stomach aches to serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. It also works in conjunction with all other conventional medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
What to Expect During an Energy Attunement Session.
Experiences during a session vary from person to person. Some people feel heat, cold, tingling, waves of energy, or nothing at all. The most commonly reported benefits are increased and smoother energy, greater calmness and a sense of balance. The energy encourages the recipient to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings, leading to a state of peace and well-being. Clients often experience physical, emotional and spiritual release during sessions.
LoveLight Lift Sessions are
facilitated in 3 Stages:
Stage One - Prior to
your appointment, I go into
Meditation with Your Intentions
to receive Divine Guidance.
With your permission, I Create
a Triad (connection between
The God Most High and both
of our Higher Aspects.) I ask to
be given a knowing of the
crystals and frequencies that
can best support your intentions.
Stage Two - Day of appointment, we will talk, share and give voice to your intentions. Identifying any stagnancies, distortions, attachments and areas where we can cut the ties and Shine More LoveLight.
Stage Three - Hands-on session that includes a combination of smudging, laying a personalized crystal grid on & around the body, Guided Meditation, intuitive bodywork or hovered energy work, vibrational sound therapy (toning/light language), tuning forks, bowls, chimes and/or bells, and aromatherapy. I call upon Christ and the Archangels to support us during and for peaceful integration after your session. During your session, you are supported to regain balance within and reclaim the inherent wholeness and perfection that You Are.
In-person sessions that take place at the SólGaia Center for Illumined Hearts generally run 3-5 hours in length. If desired, sessions include a tour of the Blue Heart Animal Sanctuary, Energy Vortexes and Special Sacred places on this ancient Cherokee land, breathwork, sungazing and time in the crystal clear cool mountain streams. You are also invited to bring an empty gallon jug to take home some of the magnificent Living, Crystalline, Gravity Fed Spring Water that Flows from the top of the Mountain.
Distance Energy Work.
Proximity is not a factor, Attunements can be delivered over distance in the Quantum Field as well. Distance attunements, also known as remote tuning, is an energetic process that can be best explained through the principles of Quantum physics. It has been proven to be extremely effective, sometimes even more effective than local, hands-on healing. Quantum physics shows us that everything is made up of energy, and everything is connected. Everything is part of the same, continuous whole. Long distance energy work is like “wireless” healing. We accept that cell phones, televisions and even our garage door openers work in this wireless way. It’s not much of a leap to accept that all energy travels that way, including the energy of healing.
In a remote energy attunement session, the practitioner connects with the person or animal requesting the healing energetically. Every living being has a unique frequency and the practitioner tunes into that unique energy. We are all part of the same unified field of consciousness, and it’s simply a question of “dialing in” to the correct frequency. Once the connection is made, the practitioner sends the healing energy to the recipient.
Recipients of distance healing report the same sensations of those who receive hands-on healing, such as a sense of heat or tingling in certain parts of the body, a sense of calm and peace, and a deep sense of relaxation.
Distance sessions are generally 2-3 hours and also includes a video chat tour of the land, visit with the animals and breathwork.

During your discovery call, we can discuss the Sacred Exchange for these Services.
~~ Reach out today for your complimentary Discovery Call. ~~